Saturday, December 26, 2009

sIck ass

Finally I fell sick for few days..sleeping for hours like a bull dog. Holidays now..been working for the past few weeks but no work's really bad and I'm dead broke now..waking up 3 at noon and bed 6 in the morning..that's so sick for holidays..duh. I had fun tho..thanks to my friends for their home-cook food and bunch of old secondary schoolmates for Christmas celebration. Guess I had too much fun for the holidays..haha..let the pictures do the work..

home-made yong tau foo by Gobury and Fynessa *yummy*

Our tables@Dolphin Cafe

It's so freaking hot and packed with people..everyone screaming for Christmas!!!

Finally, we headed home for some real thing!!!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

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