Thursday, June 5, 2008

Do You Remember The Flowers?

Do you remember the flowers, I gave you,

The red one,

The blue one,

Do you remember the roses,

I brought for you,

The yellow one,

The pink one,

Do you remember of me,

My voice,

My smile,

Do you remember of our love,

The sad love,

The happy love,

What do you remember?

Can you see the sun,

Is about to rise up,

On the other side of the mountain,

Can you not see,

That the moon,

Is above the dark sky,

The stars are shining,

Can you feel the wind,

That flows across your face,

Can you feel my hands,

Touching your face,

Can you feel my love,

Can you feel our love?

Where have these things gone?

Why are you not with me,

Where are you right now?

The wind is heavy,

The sun is setting,

The mooning is moving away,

The clouds are dark and gray,

Your love is dead,

Your heart is cold,

You don’t know,

That you have hurt me,

You don’t know,

That I am still here,

Under the tears of love.

Where have the stars gone to?

When you were with me,

They shined above us,

Now you are gone,

The stars are gone,

The tears are drying out,

You are not here,

Your love is not here,

Where are you?

Where is your love?

Will you come back to me,

And tell me you love me,

Tell me,

You have never left me...


Anonymous said...


Poulsbo flowers

tgary said...

thanx do are?